Ultimate Domains Ultimate Domains Ultimate Domains
Whois Bookmarklet Instructional Video

Find domains as you surf, here's how!

  • Highlight a phrase using your cursor, and click the bookmarklet (first drag it to your bookmarks to install).
  • A new window will open showing you availability or ownership info. It will remove the spaces and tack on .com
  • If you have not highlighted any text, it will check the domain name of any website that you are currently on for ownership information by doing a whois lookup on Ultimate Domains, in a new tab!
  • Since this opens a new window, you may have to add UltimateDomains.com to your popup blocker allowed sites list (whitelist).
  • An alternative way to add this to your bookmarks is by right-clicking it and selecting "Add to bookmarks".

      Drag this bookmarklet to your favorites tabs. Click it when you want to check the whois of a domain or check a multi word phrase for availability.
Bookmarklet link: